A Misfit’s Masks by Tif E. Boots Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

Hi, everyone! Today I want to share with you my thoughts on a book that I recently read and loved. It's called A Misfit's Masks by Tif E. Boots, and it's a collection of poetry that explores the theme of hiding our true selves in order to survive difficult times.


The author, Tif E. Boots, is a new author who wrote this book as a way of expressing her own struggles and experiences as a misfit. She grew up in Arizona and worked in various jobs, such as a correctional officer and a nurse's assistant for Hospice. She now lives in Florida with her family and enjoys spending time on the water or at amusement parks.


The book is divided into four sections: Drama, Love, Loss, and Passion. Each section contains poems that reflect the different masks that the author wore throughout her life, such as the mask of popularity, the mask of romance, the mask of grief, and the mask of joy. The poems are honest, raw, and relatable, and they show how the author learned to accept herself and find her true voice.


One of the things that I really liked about this book is that it has a Discussion Guide at the end, which provides questions and prompts for book clubs, support groups, or personal reflection. The Discussion Guide helps readers to connect with the poems and to explore their own masks and identities. I think this is a great feature for anyone who wants to dig deeper into the book or to share their thoughts with others.


Another thing that I loved about this book is that it is very well-written and beautifully illustrated. The poems are easy to read and understand. The illustrations by Syranity Barker are colorful and expressive, and they complement the poems perfectly. The book also has a nice design and layout, which makes it a pleasure to hold and flip through.


I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes poetry or who is looking for a book that speaks to their heart. A Misfit's Masks is a book that celebrates the courage to be yourself and to overcome your challenges. It is also a book that shows that you are not alone in your feelings and that there is hope and beauty in life.


I give this book 5 stars for its inspiring message and its captivating style. If you are interested in reading this book, you can find it on Amazon.com or on Goodreads.com. You can also check out the author's website at ShelteringTree.Earth for more information about her and her other books.


Thank you for reading my review and I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!

Angels and Daffodils by Diane Everett REVIEW

(c) by August Isley, 2023


Angels and Daffodils is a beautiful poetry collection by Diane Everett. It tells the story of her journey from addiction to recovery, using metaphors of flowers and angels. The poems are honest, emotional, and inspiring. They show how she struggled with her demons, found hope in her faith, and learned to love herself again.


I really enjoyed reading this book because it made me feel connected to the author and her experiences. I think anyone who has gone through a hard time or knows someone who has can relate to this book. It is also easy to read and understand, because the language is simple and clear. The poems are not too long or complicated, but they still have a lot of meaning and depth.


One of my favorite poems in the book is called "Daffodils". It compares the author's recovery to the blooming of daffodils in the spring. She writes:


Daffodils are like miracles

They come after the winter

When everything seems dead and cold

They bring color and warmth

They remind me that life goes on

That there is always hope

That I can bloom again


I think this poem is very powerful and uplifting. It shows how the author has changed and grown, and how she sees beauty in herself and the world.


Another poem that I liked is called "Angels". It talks about how the author feels protected and guided by angels, who are her friends, family, and God. She writes:


Angels are everywhere

They watch over me

They whisper in my ear

They hold my hand

They comfort me

They give me strength

They show me the way


I think this poem is very comforting and reassuring. It shows how the author has faith and gratitude, and how she feels supported and loved.


Angels and Daffodils is a wonderful book that I would recommend to anyone who likes poetry or who wants to read about recovery. It is similar to other poetry collections that deal with recovery, such as Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur or The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur. However, it is also unique and original, because it has its own style and voice. I think Diane Everett is a talented poet and a brave person, and I admire her for sharing her story with us.

Comes the Warrior Review

(c) August Isley, 2023


If you love fantasy, adventure, and spirituality, you will enjoy Comes the Warrior by Evelyn Rainey. This is the first book in the Portals of Light Doors of Despair series, and it introduces us to a world where good and evil are at war, and where ordinary people can open portals to other realms with their prayers.


The main characters are Gwen, a warrior from another world who is sent to Earth to help a small church prepare for the coming battle, and Atticus, the pastor of that church who has a special connection to the angel of the Lord. Gwen is pregnant, and she is not sure if she wants to fight anymore. Atticus is a kind and gentle man who has a hidden past and a powerful gift.


Together, they must face the dark soldiers who are opening doors of despair and unleashing chaos on Earth. They also have to deal with Colonel Morgan Forest, a government agent who is suspicious of their activities and has a personal history with Gwen.


This book is full of action, suspense, romance, and faith. It explores themes such as free will, forgiveness, courage, and hope. The author creates a vivid and imaginative world with rich details and engaging characters. The story is fast-paced and well-written, with twists and turns that will keep you hooked.


The book is available in eBook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook formats. The audiobook is narrated by April Doty, who does a great job of bringing the characters to life with her voice. I highly recommend listening to it if you can.


I would compare this book to other award-winning New Age Fiction books such as The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, and The Shack by William P. Young. If you enjoyed those books, you will love Comes the Warrior.


I give this book 5 stars out of 5. It is a captivating and inspiring read that will make you think and feel. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Daisy and the Three Shoes Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

Hi, I'm Aoife and my dad August is letting me write this review of Daisy and the Three Shoes, by Evelyn Rainey.

I love this book! It is about Daisy, a dog who loves her girl very much. (Daisy says "my girl," but she's actually old - as old as my dad). Daisy tells us about the three kinds of shoes her girl has: the good ones, the bad ones, and the very best ones. The good ones are for walking with Daisy, the bad ones are for leaving Daisy alone, and the very best ones are the ones with wheels that make her girl go fast and happy. Daisy likes to run ahead of her girl when she wears the very best shoes. This book has beautiful pictures and funny words. It is easy to read and understand. It is also a best seller on Amazon, which means many people like it too. I think Daisy is a great narrator (yes, Daddy helped me spell this word) because she shows us how she feels and what she thinks. She is very loyal and brave. I give this book five stars because it made me smile and laugh. You should read it too!

He Looked at Me Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

Hi, everyone! Today I'm going to share with you my thoughts on a book that I really enjoyed reading. It's called He Looked at Me by Donnie True. It's a Christian historical fiction that tells the story of Marcus, a boy who dreams of becoming a centurion in the Roman army. But his life changes when he meets Jesus, the Son of God, who was born in his father's stable and died on the cross for our sins.


The book is very well-written and engaging. I liked how the author blended fiction and facts to create a realistic and captivating story. The characters are relatable and believable, and the plot is full of twists and turns. The book also has a strong message of faith, hope and love that touched my heart.


One of the things that I really appreciated about this book is that it has a discussion guide at the end, which has questions to help you dig deeper into the themes and lessons of the book. I think this is a great feature for evangelism and small group studies. You can learn more about the Bible, history, culture and yourself by using this guide.


The book is suitable for readers of all ages, but especially for teens or above. It has some violence and mature themes, but nothing too graphic or inappropriate. It's a clean and wholesome book that honors God and His Word.


I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves Christian historical fiction or wants to learn more about Jesus and His impact on history. It's one of the best books I've read in this genre, and it deserves 5 stars for its originality and quality.

As of today, it has a rank of #689 in Children's Christian Historical Fiction and #13,926 in Christian Historical Fiction on Amazon. That's pretty impressive!


Love and Transcendence Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

Hi, everyone! Today I want to share with you my thoughts on a book that touched my heart deeply. It's called Love and Transcendence by Rosemary Hyde, and it's a collection of poems that she wrote after her wife died. I know, it sounds sad, but trust me, it's also uplifting and inspiring.


The book is divided into four parts: Shock, Grief, Healing, and Transcendence. Each part captures the different stages of coping with loss and finding new meaning in life. The poems are honest, raw, and beautiful. They express the pain of losing a soulmate, the loneliness of living without them, the hope of reconnecting with them in spirit, and the joy of discovering that love never dies.


One thing that I really liked about this book is that it includes a discussion guide at the end. It has questions and prompts that help you reflect on your own experiences of loss and love. You can use it for yourself or for a small group study with others who are also grieving and mourning. I think it's a great way to process your emotions and find support.


Another thing that impressed me about this book is that it's very popular among readers who are interested in poetry about death, grief, and loss. It has a high Amazon rank for this category, as well as for LGBTQ poetry. It's also one of the best poetry collections on this topic that I've ever read. It compares favorably with other books like The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion or The Art of Losing by Kevin Young.


I give this book 5 stars for the courage to share such a personal journey with us. It's not easy to open up about something so intimate and painful, but Rosemary Hyde did it with grace and wisdom. She showed us that love and transcendence are possible even after the worst tragedy. She also gave us a gift of poetry that can heal our hearts and souls.


If you're looking for a book that will make you cry, smile, and think, I highly recommend Love and Transcendence by Rosemary Hyde.  Trust me, you won't regret it.


Mysterium I Rome by Mitchel Fidel Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

If you're looking for a historical fiction novel that will transport you to the ancient world of Rome and Greece, and immerse you in the mysteries of early Christianity, then you should check out Mysterium I: Rome by Mitchel Fidel. This book is the first in a five-part series that follows the adventures of Theophilus, a young Roman scholar who sets out to interview the last eyewitnesses of Jesus of Nazareth's life and teachings.


Theophilus is a curious and courageous character who is fascinated by the new religion that is spreading across the empire. He opens his first scroll of Christian scripture and finds his own name there, as the recipient of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. This sparks his interest and his quest to find out more about the origins and meaning of this faith.


But his journey is not without dangers and challenges. He has to navigate the perilous streets of Rome, where gladiators, prostitutes, torturers, crucifiers, conquerors, sorcerers, swindlers, schemers, and even a daughter of the Beast lurk in the shadows. He also has to deal with the political intrigues and religious conflicts that threaten to tear apart the empire. And he has to face his own doubts and fears as he encounters the unfathomable mysteries of God.


Mysterium I: Rome is a captivating and well-researched novel that blends history, fiction, and spirituality. The author, Mitchel Fidel, has traveled to nearly all parts of the world and has studied the relevant historical materials for decades. He brings to life the culture, customs, politics, and beliefs of the first century CE with vivid details and accuracy. He also creates a compelling plot that keeps you hooked until the end and entices you to read the next book in the series.


The book also contains a discussion guide for book clubs and knowledge seekers who want to learn more about history, especially religious history. The guide includes questions and topics that will stimulate your thinking and spark your curiosity about this fascinating period of time.


Mysterium I: Rome is currently ranked #1 in Historical Fiction on Amazon Kindle Store. It has received 16 ratings with an average of 4.9 stars out of 5. It is compared favorably with other popular historical fiction novels about the Roman Empire during the first and second centuries CE, such as The Pillars of Rome by Jack Ludlow, The Eagle Series by Simon Scarrow, or The Masters of Rome Series by Colleen McCullough.


If you're a fan of historical fiction or interested in early Christianity, then you should definitely give Mysterium I: Rome a try. You won't regret it!


I give this book 5 stars for its accurate historical details, engaging characters, and intriguing plot.


Mysterium II Greece by Mitchel Fidel Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

Hi, everyone! Today I'm going to share with you my thoughts on a book that I recently read and loved: Mysterium II: Greece by Mitchel Fidel. This is the second book in the Mysterium series, which follows the adventures of a young Roman scholar named Theophilus who is on a quest to discover the truth about Jesus Christ. The first book, Mysterium I: Rome, introduced us to Theophilus and his journey from Rome to Ephesus, where he met some of the early Christians and learned about their faith. In this book, Theophilus travels to Greece, where he encounters more mysteries and wonders of the ancient world.


The book is set in the year 100 A.D., when Greece was under the rule of the Roman Empire. Theophilus visits some of the most famous and fascinating places in Greece, such as Corinth, Eleusis, Patmos, and Delphi. Along the way, he meets various characters who challenge his views and beliefs, such as a priestess of Aphrodite, a mystic of Eleusis, a visionary of Patmos, and an oracle of Delphi. He also learns more about the history and culture of Greece, especially its religious traditions and practices. He discovers how the Greek gods and goddesses influenced the lives of the people, and how some of them were connected to the Jewish and Christian faiths.


One of the things that I really enjoyed about this book was the author's attention to detail and accuracy. Mitchel Fidel has done a lot of research on the historical and archaeological aspects of his story, and he provides a lot of information and insights that make the book more engaging and educational. He also includes a discussion guide at the end of the book, which is very helpful for individual and small group studies for those who want to learn more about history, especially religious history. 


Another thing that I liked about this book was the author's style and creativity. Mitchel Fidel has a way with words that makes his story come alive and captivate the reader's imagination. He uses vivid descriptions, colorful dialogues, and poetic expressions that make the book more enjoyable and memorable. He also adds some twists and surprises that keep the reader guessing and intrigued. He blends fiction and reality in a seamless and harmonious way that makes his story believable and compelling.


I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves historical fiction, especially about the Roman Empire during the first and second centuries CE. It is a well-written, well-researched, and well-crafted book that will take you on a journey through time and space, and make you think about some of the most important questions of life. It is also a great sequel to Mysterium I: Rome, which I also loved and reviewed before. You can find both books on Amazon, where they have very high ratings (5 stars) for historical fiction. You can also compare them with other popular historical fiction books about the same period, such as The Pillars of Rome by Jack Ludlow or The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff.


Mysterium III Asia by Mitchel Fidel Review

(c) August Isley, 2023


Hey, book lovers! Today I'm going to share with you my review of Mysterium III: Asia by Mitchel Fidel, the third of the five installments of the Mysterium series. If you're a fan of historical fiction, especially about the religious practices during the first and second centuries CE, you're going to love this book!


Mysterium III: Asia follows the journey of Theophilus, a Roman lawyer who is on a quest to interview eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus before they die. In this book, he travels to Asia, a land of ancient and mysterious cultures, where he encounters new revelations and challenges. He visits the city of Ephesus, where he learns about the cult of the many-breasted goddess and the influence of Paul, the founder of formalized Christianity. He also explores the caves that inspired the nativity tales and witnesses a crucifixion on a hilltop.


The book is full of accurate historical details and vivid descriptions that transport you to the first century world. The author, Mitchel Fidel, has traveled to nearly all parts of the world and has a deep knowledge of foreign languages and cultures. He also provides a discussion guide at the end of the book, which is very helpful for individual and small group studies for those who want to learn more about history, especially religious history.


The book is also very engaging and entertaining, as it blends fiction and metaphysics in a creative way. The characters are well-developed and realistic, and the plot is fast-paced and suspenseful. The book is part of a series, but it can also be read as a standalone. However, I recommend reading Mysterium I: Rome and Mysterium II: Greece first, as they are also excellent books that introduce you to Theophilus and his adventures.


Mysterium III: Asia is a must-read for anyone who enjoys historical fiction with a metaphysical twist. It's one of the best books I've read this year, and I'm giving it 5 stars out of 5. You can find it on Amazon, where it has an impressive rank for Historical Fiction. 


That's all for today, folks!  Until next time, happy reading!


Preaching to the Nation From a Small Pulpit by Greg Presley Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog where I share my thoughts on the latest books I read. Today, I want to tell you about a book that really inspired me and challenged me to grow in my faith. It's called Preaching to the Nation From a Small Pulpit by Greg Presley. Raised an Irish Catholic until I was old enough to start questioning the nuns, then I started going to a Methodist church with my girlfriend who later became my wife, I was fascinated by the American evangelistic sermon structure found in this book.


This book is a collection of 52 sermons that the author delivered in his small church in America. Each sermon is based on a passage from the Bible and shows how Jesus can transform our lives and our world. The author also provides QR codes for PowerPoint presentations that he used during his services. You can scan them with your phone and see the slides on your screen. How cool is that?


I really enjoyed reading this book because it gave me a fresh perspective on some familiar topics. The author has a way of making the Bible come alive and applying it to our current situation. He also challenges us to share the gospel with others and to live out our faith in practical ways. He doesn't shy away from addressing some tough issues, such as racism, poverty, violence, and politics. He always points us back to Jesus and his love for us.


This book is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible and how to preach it effectively. It's also a great resource for pastors who need some ready-made sermons for their busy schedules. These sermons are biblically sound and evangelically solid. You can trust them to be faithful to God's word and relevant to your audience.


This book has an impressive Amazon rank of #12 in Christian Sermons category. That shows how popular and helpful it is for many readers. It's definitely one of the best Christian pastoral resources I've ever read. I give it 5 stars for its ease and reliability of use.


If you're looking for a book that will inspire you, challenge you, and equip you to preach the gospel, look no further than Preaching to the Nation From a Small Pulpit by Greg Presley. You won't regret it!


Rise Dove Awakened by Diane Everett Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

Hi, everyone! Today I want to share with you my thoughts on a book that I recently read and loved. It's called Rise Dove Awakened by Diane Everett, and it's a collection of poems that explore the journey of self-discovery and awakening to one's true purpose in life.


The book contains poems that reflect different aspects of the author's personal and spiritual growth, from overcoming challenges and fears, to finding peace and joy, to embracing one's gifts and talents, to connecting with others and the divine. The poems are written in a simple and accessible language, but they are also full of emotion and insight. I found myself relating to many of the poems and feeling inspired by the author's courage and honesty.


One of the things that I really liked about this book is that it includes a Discussion Guide at the end, which provides questions and prompts for reflection and journaling based on the themes and messages of the poems. I think this is a great feature for anyone who wants to go deeper into their own journey of self-discovery and awakening, or for book clubs and small groups who want to have meaningful conversations about the book. The Discussion Guide also encourages readers to write their own poems as a way of expressing their feelings and thoughts.


Another thing that impressed me about this book is that it has a high ranking on Amazon for Inspirational Poetry, which shows that it has resonated with many readers who are looking for uplifting and passionate poetry. I think this book can be compared favorably with other popular poetry collections by women, such as Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur or The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur, because it also deals with topics such as love, healing, empowerment, and identity.


I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys poetry, especially poetry that speaks to the soul and inspires personal transformation. I think this book is suitable for readers of all ages, but especially for young adults who are in the process of finding themselves and their place in the world. I would give this book 5 stars for its beautiful and heartfelt poems, its helpful Discussion Guide, and its positive impact on my life.


If you are interested in reading this book, you can find it on Amazon or other online platforms.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


The Rabbi’s Sex Class by Michael Gold Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

If you're looking for a novel that explores Jewish sexual ethics in a realistic and engaging way, you might want to check out The Rabbi's Sex Class by Michael Gold. This book tells the story of Rabbi Efraim Williams, who volunteers to teach a class on Jewish sexual ethics to high school seniors. He faces many challenges and dilemmas as he tries to find a balance between the strict rules of the ultra-Orthodox rabbi who teaches in the school and the sexual freedom of modern American society. Along the way, he also deals with his own family issues and personal struggles.


The Rabbi's Sex Class is not only a fiction, but also a resource for learning about Jewish sexual ethics from various sources, such as the Torah, the Talmud, and the Bible.The book includes Hebrew/English translations of relevant texts and a discussion guide for classes, small groups, or individual reflection. The book is written in a clear and accessible language that can appeal to both Jewish and Christian readers who are interested in the topic.


The book has received positive reviews from readers who praised the author's courage and honesty in tackling a sensitive and controversial subject. The book has also achieved a high rank on Amazon for Religious Ethics and Jewish Literature categories. The author, Michael Gold, is a rabbi and an academic who has written several other books on Jewish ethics, such as And Hannah Wept: Infertility, Adoption, and the Jewish Couple; and  Does God Belong in the Bedroom?.


The Rabbi's Sex Class is a novel that will make you think, feel, and question your own beliefs and values. As an Irish Catholic turned Methodist, I found the similarities and differences between the Jewish and Christian ethics  extremely strong. It is a book that will challenge you to grow as a person and as a member of your community. It is a book that I highly recommend to anyone who wants to learn more about Jewish sexual ethics or just enjoy a good story.


I give this book 5 stars for its originality, relevance, and depth.


To Build an Army by Evelyn Rainey Review

(c) August Isley, 2023

Hey, book lovers! Today I'm going to share with you my review of To Build an Army by Evelyn Rainey, the second book in the Portals of Light & Doors of Despair series. This is a fascinating blend of science fiction, fantasy, and metaphysics that explores the power of prayer and the battle between light and dark.


The premise of this series is that when people pray intensely, they can open portals to other worlds. However, not all prayers are good. Some people, called Dark Soldiers, pray for evil things and open doors of despair that unleash chaos and destruction. The main protagonist, Atticus, is a pastor who leads a Church of Refuge, a group of people who use prayer, weapons, and martial arts to fight against the dark forces. Along the way, they encounter allies and enemies from different worlds, including dragons, angels, demons, and more.


The book is based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that entropy (disorder) in a closed system always increases. The author uses this scientific principle to explain how prayer can create order or disorder in the universe, depending on the intention and alignment of the person who prays. The book also includes a discussion guide for readers who want to delve deeper into the metaphysical aspects of the story and learn more about Judeo/Christian beliefs.


I really enjoyed this book because it was original, creative, and thought-provoking. The author has a vivid imagination and a knack for creating memorable characters and scenes. I especially loved the chapter on Gugandeep, a dragon who joins Atticus' army, and Otka, a female warrior from Chechnya who has a special bond with her. Their relationship was touching and humorous at the same time.


The book is also well-written and easy to read. It has a college readability level, which means that it is not too simple or too complex for most readers. The author uses clear language and descriptive details to convey the plot and the emotions of the characters. The book also has a good balance of action, dialogue, and narration.


If you are a fan of metaphysical fiction or science fiction about dream walking or portals to other dimensions, you will love this book. It is similar to other popular books in this genre, such as The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield or The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. However, it also has its own unique twist and message that will inspire you to think about your own spirituality and purpose.


The book has a 5-star rating on Amazon and is ranked #3,656 in Christian Fantasy (Kindle Store) as of today. It is also available in hardcover and paperback formats. 


If you have read the first book in the series, Comes the Warrior, you will definitely want to read this one too. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you start with that one first to get familiar with the characters and the setting. The third book in the series, To Hold Back the Dark, is also out now and I can't wait to read it!


That's all for today's review. I hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful. If you have read this book or any other books by Evelyn Rainey, let me know what you think. Until next time, happy reading!


To Hold Back the Dark by Evelyn Rainey Review

(c) August Isley, 2023


To Hold Back the Dark is the third and final book in the Portals of Light & Doors of Despair series by Evelyn Rainey. It is a metaphysical and visionary fiction that explores the difference between good and evil as seen through opinions of various cultures. The book follows the Warrior, an woman sent by the Angel to Earth, and her army of humans, aliens, dogs, horses, and dragons as they try to stop the Dark from spreading despair and corruption across the universe.


The book is a captivating and thought-provoking read that challenges the reader to question their own moral accountability and the idea of redemption. Rainey creates a rich and diverse world with complex characters and intriguing plot twists. The book also includes a discussion guide that will be invaluable for individual and small group studies for those who wish to explore universal religious truths of right and wrong.


To Hold Back the Dark is a well-written and engaging book that deserves 5 stars for its originality and depth. It is currently ranked #4,563,768 in Kindle Store and #6,674 in Metaphysical Fiction on Amazon.com. It is available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover formats. The ISBN is 978-1946469281.


The book can be compared favorably with other popular religious metaphysical fiction and science fiction about universal truths of good and evil, such as The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, and The Matrix by Wachowski Brothers. It can also be contrasted with the previous books in the series, Comes the Warrior and To Build an Army, which focus more on the origin and development of the Warrior and her army, while To Hold Back the Dark is more about the final confrontation and resolution of the conflict.


To Hold Back the Dark is a must-read for fans of metaphysical and visionary fiction, as well as anyone who enjoys a thrilling and inspiring story of good versus evil.



Troughton Company by Evelyn Rainey Review

(c) August Isley, 2023


If you're looking for a thrilling and thought-provoking read, you might want to check out Troughton Company by Evelyn Rainey. This book is a unique take on the alien invasion genre, featuring a non-sentient conqueror that has no regard for human life or culture. The only hope for humanity lies in the ingenuity and resilience of a few brave souls who dare to resist and fight back.


Troughton Company is not your typical sci-fi novel. It explores themes such as identity, loyalty, morality, and survival in a world where everything is at stake. The author creates diverse and realistic characters that you can root for or despise, depending on your perspective. The book also draws on historical references and parallels, making it relevant and engaging for readers who enjoy history and politics.


One of the best features of this book is the discussion guide that comes with it. This guide is perfect for individual or group use, especially if you're planning to attend a SyFy convention or a trivia night. The guide contains questions and activities that will challenge your knowledge and spark lively debates about the book and its implications.


Troughton Company is currently ranked #3 in the Amazon bestseller list for Alien Invasion Science Fiction, and it deserves every bit of praise it gets. It is a refreshing and captivating addition to the genre, and it can easily compete with other popular titles such as The War of the Worlds, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and The Hunger Games.


I give this book 5 stars for its originality, creativity, and depth. It is a must-read for any sci-fi fan who loves a good story with a twist. Troughton Company will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.



Woven Prayers: A Prayer Shawl Ministry Handbook by Evelyn Rainey Review

(c) August Isley, 2023


Hi everyone, welcome to my blog where I share my thoughts on books that inspire me. Today I want to talk about a book that I recently read and loved: Woven Prayers: A Prayer Shawl Ministry Handbook by Evelyn Rainey.

As you may know, I was raised by my great-aunt and her anam cara; both were voracious crocheters - using thread instead of yarn - and made the most fantastic creations. So I had to learn, too. Crochet has never been a gender-specific art. Men and women crocheted throughout the Potato Famine in order to save their clans from starvation. But I'd never considered crochet as a spiritual ministry.

This book is a wonderful guide for anyone who wants to start or join a prayer shawl ministry, which is a group of people who crochet shawls for those in need of comfort, healing, or encouragement. The author, Evelyn Rainey, is an experienced crocheter and a pastor who has been leading a prayer shawl ministry for over a decade. She shares her insights and wisdom on how to create a loving and supportive community that can make a difference in the world through the power of prayer and crochet.


The book is divided into two parts: the first part covers the basics of setting up and running a prayer shawl ministry, such as finding a location, recruiting members, choosing yarns, and praying over the shawls. The second part contains 12 original crochet patterns for different types of shawls, each with a biblical theme and a reflection on how it relates to the ministry. The patterns are beautiful and creative, but they are also quite challenging and require some advanced skills. I would not recommend them for beginners, but they are perfect for those who want to challenge themselves and create something unique.


One of the things I liked most about this book is that it is very honest and realistic about the joys and challenges of being part of a prayer shawl ministry. The author does not sugarcoat the difficulties that may arise, such as dealing with conflicts, burnout, or criticism. She also shares some stories of how her ministry has touched the lives of many people, both the recipients and the crocheters. She shows how each shawl is a woven prayer that can bring hope, comfort, and healing to someone who needs it.


I also enjoyed learning more about Evelyn Rainey's personal journey as a crocheter and a pastor. She has a very warm and friendly voice that makes you feel like you are talking to a friend. She also reveals that she is working on her second prayer shawl ministry handbook, which will focus on caring for children through crochet. I am very excited to read it when it comes out! UPDATE: Caring for Children Through Crochet is now available!


If you are looking for a pastoral resource that will inspire you to use your crochet skills for a good cause, I highly recommend Woven Prayers: A Prayer Shawl Ministry Handbook by Evelyn Rainey. It is currently ranked #1 in Pastoral Resources on Amazon, which shows how popular and helpful it is. I think it is one of the best books on this topic that I have ever read, and I give it 5 stars!


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